Demo Course : Artificial Intelligence
This Masterclass by WiselyWise gives our esteemed Principals and Partners a preview of what's inside the courses.
Course Description
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Partners needing a World-Class Platform to grow their Education Business
Principal Vendors who need a dependable Partner to take their Education Offerings globally
Specialists who need a Trusted Platform to host their Courses and gain access to a global audience
Global Presence
Intro & Learning Outcomes
What is this Class about
Whats the Experience
Get Ready with this Checklist
Robot Revolution
Angry AI Bird ( Junior School)
Free AI eBook
AI in Sports
Introduction to AI
Glossary of AI Terms
Class Survey
Assignment : Grammar & AI
Creativity : Video Generation
Design Assistance - 1
Class Survey
Glossary of AI Terms
Quiz Game
Angry AI Bird ( Junior School)
Welcome to the World of Python
Calculator Using Python
Project - Circular Prime Number
Learn from the Best
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You need to be comfortable using a computer. There are no programming pre-requisites for this course.
you have access for an agreed time period.
Yes you can join. The course has been designed with everyone in mind.
Please check the Learning Paths link at the Top of the page. you can then decide to buy the next suitable course here.
Great! After you enroll in the course, you will automatically get access to the course content. You just need a good computer, strong internet connection and Chrome browser.
No, you need not buy any other resources after you enroll. During the course we may refer to resources for your understanding but we don't insist that you buy the same.
We like your interest. You can click on our Knowledgebase link for additional questions and answers:
This is only a Preview Course and is only meant as a Demo. There is no set duration.
The Final Validation
“Shri. Chandrakumar has a wide knowledge in the fields of Artificial Intelligence & IoT. He delivered a lecture to our MBA students on the importance of AI and it was well received and highly appreciated by the audience. His previous leadership positions including CTO at Dell helps him to justify his current enhancement work in AI domain. Its my privilege of knowing such an eminent personality in the field of technology management. I wish WiselyWise, Singapore shall help the young minds across the globe. ”
“The session of AI by the founder of WiselyWise was very informative, he talked about how the AI taking place in every fields. i.e. Education, Agriculture, Business, etc. This session is all about how the students can learn AI and the progress they are making towards their learning goals. ”
“It was a very interactive session. I got to know the importance of AI in today’s era and its upcoming impact on future scenario. I am looking forward to work with this technique and enhance myself in a more efficient way. Because AI is not just a important topic but by far, the most prominent thing in coming years.”
“The session with Shri. Chandrakumar, Founder of WiselyWise was about AI was very useful to me and he emphasized the importance of AI.”
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