
Get started in building Alexa skills with visuals

What is this Course About

Course Description

Conversational AI Advanced is the next step to the Conversational AI Foundations course. Conversational AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. As per global estimates, this market will grow to $15billion by 2024 from less than $3 billion in 2019. Skills predicted to be in hot demand would be in designing and developing Chatbots, Interactive Voice Assistants and related areas. In this course we focus on developing your basic skills in these areas through 30+ hours of Learning Content. We are developers of Conversational AI ourselves first and have based the course on our experiences while working for reputed clients. We are also consumers of this technology, so we know the importance of Analysis, Design, Technical Development, Feedback and Maintenance of such AI Agents. Unlike other courses, we have put together lessons in a natural flow so you can learn the concepts first, technology second and finally will develop your very first AI Agent through hands-on lessons. We will take you on a journey from Keyboard to Voice. As you will notice this course covers areas of importance like Human Intents and not just the technical programming aspects. We will encourage you through Videos, Multimedia, Audio, PDFs, eBooks and a number of other formats to strengthen your learning. Get your Complete Digital Portfolio by completing Quizzes, Assignments, and Projects as proof of your hard work, by the time you complete the course. You get access to an invite-only Community of Students where you can get more information about this exciting field and discuss those with other students. Icing on the top is when you get your shiny new Digital Certificate as your course completion credential. This is the Foundations Course so you can now confidently apply and enroll for the Advanced Courses where you move from Expert to Guru Status.


  • Company Management who want their employees to acquire the correct Artificial Intelligence Skills before its too late

  • Industry Executives who want to upgrade their Skills in Artificial Intelligence and need the right course which helps them do that

  • College Students who are concerned about their outdated Skills and aren't sure how to gain AI skills which can help them get jobs

  • Faculty who are looking to quickly update their AI Knowledge so they can continue to be relevant in their positions

  • Professionals - Doctors, Lawyers, CAs, who must upgrade their Practice in an increasingly AI-dominated world

Why Should you join this Course

Don't miss this chance to get ahead in your life

  • Correct

    This is the perfect First-level AI Skills course which provides the necessary guidance for your stable future

  • Conceptual

    You gain a strong foundation in AI as you learn from the Concepts and progress into Technology.

  • Comprehensive

    You get a Holistic Learning aligned to the Best Global Curriculum Standards in Artificial Intelligence.

By the end of this course, you'll learn how to...

  • Visualize breakthrough Solutions

    Learn how to use AI to create significant solutions to solve industry and societal problems that will position you as the Go-To Person

  • Position yourself

    Learning AI Concepts will provide you a strong foundation. You will be able to showcase your knowledge and skills to your boss or new employer to land your lucrative job.

  • Plan your future

    You will get to know about multiple AI topics. This will help you and your parents on what to study next and what AI Skills to acquire

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Multimodal skill

    2. Pre requisites

    1. Multimodal Skill

    2. Increase the Level of Detail In Your Skill’s Response

    3. Alexa Presentation Language

    4. Class Survey

    1. Hello Cake Walk 1

    2. Hello Cake Walk 2 (With Style)

    3. Data Binding !!

    4. How to add a Birthday cake

    5. Creating a responsive document

    6. Class Survey

    1. Introduction

    2. Adding Visuals To Your Skill

    3. Using the Developer Console Simulator to Test

    4. Uploading Assets to S3

    5. Updating our Launch Request Handler

    6. Applying Our Images

    7. Class Survey

    1. Layouts

    2. Hosting Your Own APL package

    3. Adding a Special Birthday Video

    4. Wiring up the Backend

    5. Wiring Up the Birthday Video

    6. Class Survey

    1. What Are APL Commands?

    2. Updating Our APL Documents

    3. Adding Commands to Our Document

    4. Adding Video Control

    5. ExecuteCommands Directive

    6. Class Survey

About this course

  • $500.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Learn from the Best

WiselyWise Team

Senior Instructor

WiselyWise team comprises of Senior Industry Experts, Academics, Thought Leaders, and Domain Specialists. Together they have created an industry-relevant, skill-focused course based on solid learning methodologies. The team also presents to Live classes worldwide engages in Research, Consults senior executives and executes real-world projects. You can bank on their decades long expertise and experience for your course.

What do you get

We have included custom value-adds so you get more return for your money invested in this course

  • You get full course access 24 hours for a full year

  • Blockchain based Digital Completion Certificate

  • You can use any Device to access the course as our platform is fully responsive

  • Free Access to Invite-Only Community

  • Free and Complete Access to updated Knowledgebase

  • Free Course Updates for One Full Year

  • Automatically Earn Money by becoming our Affiliate

  • Multiple Support Channels


  • What are the pre-requisites for this course?

    You need to be comfortable using a computer. There are no programming pre-requisites for this course.

  • How long do I have access?

    you have access for one full year ( 12 months) from the date of your joining.

  • I dont have a Computer Science background. Can I still join?

    Yes you can join. The course has been designed with everyone in mind.

  • What courses should I take after this course?

    Please check the Learning Paths link at the Top of the page. you can then decide to buy the next suitable course here.

  • I am keen, What resources do I need to start learning?

    Great! After you enroll in the course, you will automatically get access to the course content. You just need a good computer, strong internet connection and Chrome browser.

  • Will you ask me to buy additional resources after I start the course?

    No, you need not buy any other resources after you enroll. During the course we may refer to resources for your understanding but we don't insist that you buy the same.

  • I have more questions. Where can I search for answers?

    We like your interest. You can click on our Knowledgebase link for additional questions and answers:

  • How long is the Course?

    We have timed the course to be completed in 40 hours. You could do one hour every week and still comfortably complete it in a year.



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