Course curriculum

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. What is ChatGPT?

    3. Understanding Conversational AI

    4. Assessment

    5. Class Survey

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. What is NLP?

    3. The role of NLP in ChatGPT

    4. Assessment

    5. Class Survey

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. What is Machine Learning?

    3. What are neural networks?

    4. The role of Machine Learning and Neural Networks in ChatGPT

    5. Assessment

    6. Class Survey

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. Explanation of how chatGPT is built

    3. Overview of the training process

    4. Assessment

    5. Class Survey

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. Tips for working with chatGPT

    3. How to Customize ChatGPT

    4. Best practices for Integrating ChatGPT with other applications

    5. Assessment

    6. Class Survey

    1. Chapter Outcomes

    2. Introduction to Ethics in AI

    3. Ethical Considerations in ChatGPT

    4. Assessment

    5. Class Survey

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content