Special Price
for Aspiring Students
What is this Course About
Who should buy this course?
you take decisions which are important for a student's future and are aware of that responsibility
School Students who need an interactive course which will get them started in AI
Parents who are concerned about their children learning outdated Skills and aren't sure how to select the right AI course
Principals who are looking to quickly update their student’s AI Knowledge without too much hassle and need Zero Interruption in regular Academic schedules
School Management who need a Cost-effective, Reliable,Proven and high quality AI Partner with right credentials in the Education space
Where our Successful Students come from
Global Presence
Course curriculum
Learning Outcomes
What is AI
Introducing AI
Three Domains of AI !
Game: Rock Paper Scissors
Game: Mystery Animal
Game: Emoji Scavenger Hunt
AI in daily life
Activity: A letter to your Future Self
Class Survey
Smart home and smart cities !!
Activity: Designing your Dream Smart Home
Class Survey
Intro to Sustainable Development Goals
GO Goals Game
Class Survey
Emergence of Jobs in AI
Required skillset in AI
Case Study - AI used in companies
Activity : Job advertisement for 2030!
Class Survey
AI for Good
Ethical Issues in AI
Ethical Considerations for AI: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility
Understanding AI Bias and AI Access
Class Survey

About this course
- $7.00
- 28 lessons
- 0 hours of video content

WiselyWise Team
Senior Instructor
What do you get
We have included custom value-adds so you get more return for your money invested in this course
You get full course access 24 hours for a full year
Digital Completion Certificate
You can use any Device to access the course as our platform is fully responsive
Free Access to Invite-Only Community
Free and Complete Access to updated Knowledge base
Free Course Updates for One Full Year
Multiple Support Channels
What are the pre-requisites for this course?
You need to be comfortable using a computer. There are no programming pre-requisites for this course.
How long do I have access?
you have access for one full year ( 12 months) from the date of your joining.
What courses should I take after this course?
Please check the Learning Paths link at the Top of the page. you can then decide to buy the next suitable course here.
I am keen, What resources do I need to start learning?
Great! After you enroll in the course, you will automatically get access to the course content. You just need a good computer, strong internet connection and Chrome browser.
Will you ask me to buy additional resources after I start the course?
No, you need not buy any other resources after you enroll. During the course we may refer to resources for your understanding but we don't insist that you buy the same.
I have more questions. Where can I search for answers?
We like your interest. You can click on our Knowledgebase link for additional questions and answers: https://wisecentral.freshdesk.com
How long is the Course?
We have timed the course to be completed in 40 hours. You could do one hour every week and still comfortably complete it in a year.