What is this Course About


Artificial Intelligence seems to be everywhere. Experts claim AI is the Next Industrial Revolution bringing in changes as Electricity did decades back. With every massive change it’s important that children are provided the right education to become ready. Ready for an AI Future. Based on the curriculum provided by the CBSE we have created the course for the students in an engaging manner.Our Teaching Pedagogy revolves around Three Pillars – Students Learn through Listening, through Doing and through Interacting. This will structure their thinking in line with Bloom’s taxonomy of reaching the highest level that is Creating Original Work. This course will provide you the key concepts of AI such as project cycle, neural networks and some basic python. This course will fundamentally transform your thinking.You will learn from Videos, Multimedia, Audio, PDFs, eBooks and a number of other formats which enhance your learning. Your learning will get re-inforced through hands-on Experiments. We also have tucked in Quizzes, Assignments, and Projects so you get a Complete Digital Portfolio, as proof of your hard work, by the time you complete the course. You get access to an invite-only Community of Students where you can get more information about this exciting field and discuss those with other students. And Yes, before we forget, you get your shiny new Digital Certificate as your course completion credential. More importantly, you will gain the confidence to chart your future in a World increasingly dominated by AI.

Who should buy this course?

you take decisions which are important for a student's future and are aware of that responsibility

  • School Students who need an interactive course which will get them started in AI

  • Parents who are concerned about their children learning outdated Skills and aren't sure how to select the right AI course

  • Principals who are looking to quickly update their student’s AI Knowledge without too much hassle and need Zero Interruption in regular Academic schedules

  • School Management who need a Cost-effective, Reliable,Proven and high quality AI Partner with right credentials in the Education space

Why Should you join this Course

Don't miss this chance to get ahead in your life

  • Correct

    This is the perfect First-level AI Skills course which provides the necessary guidance for your stable future

  • Conceptual

    You gain a strong foundation in AI as you learn from the Concepts and progress into Technology

  • Comprehensive

    You get a Holistic Learning aligned to the Best Global Curriculum Standards in Artificial Intelligence

Where our Successful Students come from

Global Presence

Course curriculum

    1. Excite : Learning Outcomes

    2. What is AI

    3. Introducing AI

    4. Three Domains of AI !

    5. Game : Rock Paper Scissors

    6. Game : Mystery animal

    7. Game : Emoji Scavenger hunt

    8. Quiz

    9. Relate : Smart home and smart cities !!

    10. Create your own story speaker using Google story speaker

    11. Purpose : Intro to Sustainable Development Goals

    12. Quiz

    13. Possibilities : Emergence of Jobs in AI

    14. GO Goals Game

    15. Required skillsets for AI

    16. AI Ethics : AI for Good

    17. Ethical Issues in AI

    18. Class Survey

    1. Stages in AI Project Cycle

    2. Problem Scoping

    3. Data acquisition

    4. Data Exploration

    5. Quiz : Data Exploration.

    6. Modelling

    7. AI Project Cycle : Trivia

    8. Class Survey

    1. Intro to Neural Network

    2. Neural Network Working

    3. Human Nervous system VS Neural Networks

    4. Activity: Match The Following !!

    5. Class Survey

    1. Intro to Python Programming

    2. Activity: Code combat

    3. Getting started with Anaconda and Jupyter notebooks

    4. Class Survey

    1. Comments and Printing Pt. 1

    2. Basic Variables and Printing Pt. 2

    3. Write your First Python Program !!

    4. Keywords and Identifiers !

    5. Variables and Constants

    6. Datatypes

    7. Operators

    8. Basic Operations !!

    9. Class Survey

    1. Flow of control and conditions

    2. If Else Statements

    3. Loops

    4. Class Survey

About this course

  • $7.00
  • 60 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


WiselyWise Team

Senior Instructor

WiselyWise team comprises of Senior Industry Experts, Academics, Thought Leaders, and Domain Specialists. Together they have created an industry-relevant, skill-focused course based on solid learning methodologies. The team also presents to Live classes worldwide engages in Research, Consults senior executives and executes real-world projects. You can bank on their decades long expertise and experience for your course.

What do you get

We have included custom value-adds so you get more return for your money invested in this course

  • You get full course access 24 hours for a full year

  • Digital Completion Certificate

  • You can use any Device to access the course as our platform is fully responsive

  • Free Access to Invite-Only Community

  • Free and Complete Access to updated Knowledgebase

  • Free Course Updates for One Full Year

  • Multiple Support Channels


  • What are the pre-requisites for this course?

    You need to be comfortable using a computer. There are no programming pre-requisites for this course.

  • How long do I have access?

    you have access for one full year ( 12 months) from the date of your joining.

  • What courses should I take after this course?

    Please check the Learning Paths link at the Top of the page. you can then decide to buy the next suitable course here.

  • I am keen, What resources do I need to start learning?

    Great! After you enroll in the course, you will automatically get access to the course content. You just need a good computer, strong internet connection and Chrome browser.

  • Will you ask me to buy additional resources after I start the course?

    No, you need not buy any other resources after you enroll. During the course we may refer to resources for your understanding but we don't insist that you buy the same.

  • I have more questions. Where can I search for answers?

    We like your interest. You can click on our Knowledgebase link for additional questions and answers: https://wisecentral.freshdesk.com

  • How long is the Course?

    We have timed the course to be completed in 40 hours. You could do one hour every week and still comfortably complete it in a year.